There is something uniquely special about "Chicago", now appearing on the stage at the Cadillac Palace Theatre as part of...
Theatre Reviews
They say that entertainment should be a diversion, allowing the viewer to have a period of time where his or...
Recommended *** In the capable hands of Shattered Globe Theatre, Matt Pelfrey’s adaptation of John Ball’s In the Heat of...
Highly Recommended ***** Back in 1960, a low budget film was made telling the story of a small flower shop...
Writers Theatre in Glencoe has been a major Chicagoland Cultural destination for almost a quarter of a century. Between the...
Recommended *** Strawdog Theatre Company will be closing its doors on N. Broadway (at Sheridan) very soon. They will remain...
Highly Recommended ***** In the summer of 1961 I was hired at Herb Rodger's Music Theater in Highland Park as...
Highly Recommended ***** Despite seeing the superb cast listed on the press release, I was skeptical of Promethean theatre’s ability...
Highly Recommended **** The numbers keep adding up. Second City E.T.C. is already on Revue number 40. Yes, this small...
Recommended *** Citadel Theatre has taken on some heavy work this year, bringing large- scale musicals to their tiny space...