Highly Recommended ***** It is not often that I miss an opening night, but last night I attended another previous...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended **** Scientology has always been interesting to people outside it. They discourage journalists, psychiatrists, and any outsiders to...
Highly Recommended ***** When it comes to theater for children, Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire, with its sterling Theatre for Young...
Highly Recommended **** I love seeing Shakespeare under the stars. With its forest setting, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is an...
Highly Recommended ***** The time is 1984. The place is a small neighborhood bar in Chicago. The play is called...
I am thrilled that The Urban Theatre Company has returned to the Chicago stage. Despite the plethora of theatre companies...
Recommended *** Azusa Productions is a 20 year old company that strives to create theater that is committed to working...
Somewhat Recommended ** I never thought I would say that I was "lost" in a production, but tonight, while watching...
Kokandy Productions, a theater company celebrating 6 years of bringing shows to Chicago, just keeps bringing us quality shows- one...
It is not often that I see a play that starts off at a high point and continues to keep...