From the very onset of the Paramount Theatre of Aurora's "Broadway Series" many years ago, audiences discovered that they had...
Theatre Reviews
Highly Recommended **** It is rare, but two theater companies, within months of each other, have presented a play dealing...
Recommended *** The years have flown by. "Blue Man Group" remains at The Briar Street Theatre, still playing to close...
Highly Recommended ***** "Never forget"! This is the phrase that the Jewish population has been taught to keep saying. World...
Highly Recommended ***** Music is special! When many of us are "down and out", we can change our mood by...
Recommended *** Because I write for several Spanish publications, and have for over 17 years, companies such as Teatro Vista,...
Highly Recommended **** Every day, our country (as well as others) seems to have actions of terrorism, either acted upon,...
NOT RECOMMENDED It is the start of the Windy City Playhouse’ 2017 season. I must say that up until now,...
Recommended *** Are we reviewers or critics? What exactly is it that we should be doing when we witness a...
Recommended *** I confess that I had never heard of Captain Blood, a 1922 children’s novel by Rafael Sabatani adapted into...