Raven Theatre has opened its 2010/2011 season with a bang! A show that is rarely done in Chicago is the...
One of the reasons that I adore Steppenwolf Theatre is the diversity that they bring to their stages. From the...
For those of you who read my reviews on a regular basis, you know that I am a true Sondheim...
Most theater buffs are very familiar with the one act classic "The Zoo Story" written by Edward Albee, that launched...
The Silk Road Project is dedicated to showcasing playwrights of Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean backgrounds. The works they select...
Grandparents! Parents! Aunts and Uncles! Get ready, Mickey Mouse is coming to town! Master Magician Mickey Mouse and the always...
Light Opera Works is often overlooked by theater audiences as they do their big massive productions at Cahn Hall which...
Remy Bumppo Theatre Company is known for delivering "Think Theatre" . This year, they have chosen a new theme- "Secret...
Teatro Vista, Chicago's "Equity" Latino theater company is celebrating its 20th season by working with Rivendell Theatre Ensemble, Chicago's only...
New York can eat their hearts out! When it comes to extraordinary theater, New York has nothing over Chicago. "Candide",...