Quick! Name an 80 year "young" entertainer,Singer,dancer, TV and movie actress, who at the age of 20, in her sixth...
While most of us attend Drury Lane Theatre Oakbrook for the marvelous productions they present, mostly musicals, but there is...
Each year, our theater scene sees a lot of activity leaning away from the theater itself; the Cirque shows, performance...
Somewhat recommended ** Not being a female, I have never attended a "bachelorette Party", but I have heard that they...
When the world has you down- the economy, job pressures, troubles at home, you can always count on any of...
The summer fun has begun- festivals in neighborhoods all over Chicago ( and the burbs as well), Navy Pier with...
Recommended*** Many theater people are unfamiliar with the cozy little storefront theater in Rogers Park known as Theoubique, but they...
Recommended*** There is no question that audiences love a show that has them clapping their hands and tapping their feet...
Recommended***One of my favorite shows produced by Silk Road Rising was 2009's "Silk Road Cabaret" where they brought to light all...
Midweek Crisis! We all experience Wednesday as that day in the middle of the week, the one where we have...