March 3, 2025

“Just For Us” Comedy at Steppenwolf reviewed by Frank Meccia

****I have had a challenging time laughing at most comedy shows over the last few years. When I was invited to see the show at Steppenwolf called “Just For Us” and heard that the comedian was Alex Edelman, I knew there would be some good laughs. Alex is a comedian, actor and writer. He has performed in New York, London’s West End and is making the trip to other larger metro areas as well. Edelman has also appeared on numerous American TV shows, in particular shows like The Late Show, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel as well as other talk shows and variety shows. For a young comic he has shown his versatility and talent to the nth degree.

Edelman’s show is now being done at Steppenwolf Theatre’s downstairs Theatre for two weeks. With what is happening in the world today, his audiences will be drawn from every community that resides n the” Greater Chicago Area”( protests, shootings, thefts etc). One of the main topics that most comics stay away from right now is that of Anti Semitism. Evidently, being Jewish, he has decided to take on the situation, head-On!

It began in Queens ,New York. A tweet cam up on his computer. He decided to answer this tweet, knowing it was in some ways an “un-wise” move on his part. He had been invited to a meeting, so that he could truly see what goes on at these meetings or gatherings, for sure. He did and talks about it.

Edelman is more than a “stand-Up” comic. He is more like a keep moving comic. He is constantly on te move, walking and talking and ranting and raving, arms wildly moving about, and asking questions ( of which most are answered by him). His audience interaction is powerful and his humor is non-stop. While he attempts to keep his act PC ( politically correct), when he veers off ( and he does), the audience is okay with him.

The show is directed by Adam Brace who comes from the SoHo Theatre in London, who has been collaborating with Edelman for years. The show touches on many topics and his storytelling is great. He can keep you on the edge of your seat just waiting for the punch line. His first story about a gorilla, BoBo is a true one and deals with sign language ( Edelman signs the story as well). The show is 75 minutes of great humor and wonderful stories. I won’t give away the act, for sure, but will tell you that when the show is over you will also learn how to deal with having questions asked of you that are political and how to avoid confrontations or arguments. Again, I will not tell you the story that goes with it, but keep this in your mind, “Can you believe it?”. After you see Edelman, this will make a lot more sense.

“Just For Us” will continue at the Downstairs Theater at Steppenwolf 1650 N. Halsted Street thru February 24th with performances as follows:

Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays at 7:30 p.m.

Saturdays  3 p.m. and at 7:30 p.m.

Sundays  3 p.m.

Tickets start at $52 and can be purchased by calling 312-335-1650 or visit


Parking is available at the garage ( no elevator) and valet. They are both $17.00 and of course, there are meters on the street.