Directed by Lina Koutrakos, the always engaging Cathy Glickman takes us on both a personal and inclusive journey digging into traditional male centric songs from a diverse repertoire. It is indeed a broad view from Frank Loesser to Bruce Springsteen where she raises the question and honors the long standing proverb “It’s a man’s world” through song and story.
With piano arrangements by the brilliant Beckie Menzie and Irwin Berkowitz on percussion putting on the final rhythmic touches, this show promises to thrill, delight and even surprise!
With piano arrangements by the brilliant Beckie Menzie and Irwin Berkowitz on percussion putting on the final rhythmic touches, this show promises to thrill, delight and even surprise!
Saturday, August 13, 2022, 8:00 PM
Sunday August 14th 7 p.m.
tickets are $20 ( two drink min).
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