Do you love Judy Garland? Many of us grew up with her, starting with “The Wizard of Oz” and all the great musical movies. Over the years, many actresses have replicated her work on stages all over America. Almost all of them capture the feeling, but in all my years of covering these shows, I have found that not only does Angela Ingersoll capture the sounds, she takes on her persona as well. I have seen her do many concerts and shows handling this role and each time I am taken to a place that is magical. Her show is called “Get Happy” and from May5th until July 1st, she will be doing this show in Milwaukee.
Yes, backed by a dynamite band, Ingersoll delivers a tour de force of virtuosic vocals, passionate storytelling, humor and heart.
This will take place in the Stackner Cabaret located at 108 East Wells in Milwaukee.
As someone who has visited Milwaukee for theater, it is an easy drive ( much easier than travel to our Chicago theater scene), parking is easy and convienient ( as well as far less costly) and you will see and hear two hours of “magic”. Songs such as “Over The Rainbow”, “The Man That Got Away” and “The Trolley Song” are just some highlights!
For tickets call 414-224-9490 or
For info on other shows at Milwaukee Rep, visit
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