March 4, 2025

Drive-In Cabaret-

[rating=4] What can a theater company do to please an audience when they cannot open their theater? This has been the longest period of “no theater” in my lifetime. Today, Jane and I had an enjoyable escape from watching the latest Net-Flix or Hula series. We went to a “drive-In Cabaret” performance in Lake Forest. Yes! Citadel Theatre Company is presenting a very special afternoon of “drive-In Cabaret” at the Gorton Center’s parking lot in Lake Forest. The show is about 45 minutes and features many of their performers ( both recent and past as well as some new-comers) doing  their performances on a platform stage with sound/music coming from equipment ( handled by Bob Boxer) and transmitted to our car radio so that we can remain in the safety of our cars while enjoying an hour of great performances.

Produced by Scott and Ellen Phelps and directed by Tom Colao, you will be treated to some wonderful numbers from major musicals ( “Wicked”, “Company”, “Into The Woods” and a very special “Over The rainbow”. Some truly wonderful talent and weather permitting, the stage and adjoining tent will remain in place for the entire show. There was one point today where it appeared the tent might just be heading out of Lake Forest.

The beauty of this format is one price for the entire car. Each car pulls into the lot at 400 E. Illinois Road ( you will exit thru McKinley Rd). You show your confirmation and are directed to your parking space and prepare yourself ( and or family) for some brilliant entertainment. NOTE: The Gorton Community Center is not open, so their are no bathroom facilities available. I suggest you do your due diligence prior to as you may also want to pick up snacks and beverages for your carload. This is truly social distancing. No masks! No kidding! In fact, you do not even need to open your window.

They opened with the logical opening number, “Cabaret” done to perfection by Becca Duff ( who also did a rousing “Over The Rainbow” and an adorable “Two of A Kind” ( from “The Wild Party”) along with the very comical Kyle Ryan ( who also gave us an increbilbe rendition of “Everybody Says Don’t” ( “Anyone Can Whistle”). Young Ian Cummisfrod did a cute “When I Am Older” ( “Frozen” and later joined with Aurora Penepacker ( what a voice) to do “Your’e The One That I Want” ( “Grease”). Ms Penepaker is also powerful doing “Defying Gravity” ( “Wicked” ) along with newcomer Jocelyn Colao ( who many know from the office of Citadel.

“Being Alive” ( “Company”) one of my favorite musical numbers is done with great feeling by Brian Hupp andhe is joined by Kyle Ryan for “Agony” ( “Into The Woods”). I am always happy to hear Sondheim musical numbers. Sure made my Saturday afternoon! Amber Krcmar who did “Stepsisters Lament” ( “Cinderella”) along with Ms Colao ronded out the ensemble who all joined in with Hupp to to the finale “If I Can Dream” from “All Shook Up”. a wonderful break from Covid 19 news. Try it! You will like it!

We all know that performers truly love applause. Applause is quite difficult to hear when the audience is not audible, but they are in cars and cars do have horns- perfect! As each number ended and the finale was over, people in Lake Forest heard lots of horns going off. The area residents may not have known what was taking place, but each performer truly appreciated every blast of the horn they heard. Well earned and deserved as well.

You can get your tickets by visiting

Saturday, June 20th at  1 p.m. and at 3 p.m.

Sunday, June 21st ( Happy Father’s Day) at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m.

Suggested donations start at $40 per carload.  Help keep this theater company alive during this pandemic and at the same time, do something to break away from this boring existence we are living in.