March 3, 2025

“Drag me to Brunch” returns to Pilsen!

***** Have you ever been to a “Drag Brunch? If you have, how long has it been? In my case, I believe the last one I saw was probably 20 plus years ago and while we have talked about a few on the radio show, only Frank has attended. Well, one of our favorite Mexican dining spots in Pilsen ( La Luna) has brought back their “Drag me to Brunch” show and today was the first edition of what I think will become a steady diet of fun, frivolity and great food on the South Side ( let’s face it, with the baseball team as it is, why drive to 35th street when 18th street will bring you far more entertainment).

Being the “early-bird” as Jane likes to call me, and going on my own ( Jane was with our granddaughter, Sarah today , celebrating 16 years of age) I arrived a bit early. This did make for easy parking as 18th street and Racine is pretty busy on a week-end. The show and serving begins at 11 a.m., so they don’t allow patrons in until 10:45, so waiting outside on a beautiful, sunny day, I watched the “divas” arrive ( kind of a fun show on its own) and at 10:45, I entered the restaurant with a number of others who were ready for the experience. I could tell that some of them had done this before as they were carrying stacks of singles ( all part of the show, as I was told by Paul Lisnek “bring a bunch”). I was seated and ordered a beverage ( or two) while waiting for Frank to arrive.

Our server, Yasmin was a delightful young lady who was always on the spot to fill my coffee cup ( Mexican Coffee is fabulous) and made sure that I always had a mimosa at my place. The menu is long and filled with starters, entrees and sides. Both Frank and I ordered the Entrana Dominguera: a 7 ounce CDK Farm Skirt Steak, salsa dominguera, potatoes, chipotle chimichurri, and eggs ( they can be sunny side up or scrambled) that is where Frank and I chose different.

The menu also offered different scrambles and  a fried chicken and churro waffle dish ( the ladies next to us had those and they looked like what I will have on my next visit). The DJ , Saint Devera was great and the five “drag queens” each did two sets getting the crowd into the show from start to finish. They began at about 11:15 and finished at almost  1 p.m. They did numbers that were quite athletic in a very small space. There is no stage, so they were table to table, leaping, kicking and doing splits that were amazing ( and I would think painful).

Stassi Dee Diamond is the emcee for the show, Ari Blakk, Vanya Adalet Diamond and two others , did two numbers each and collected a wad of singles. During the dance routine, there was a point where they tossed all the bills in the air, and then continued on. After their stint, there was a designated picker-upper who collected the spilling’s and bundled them for the performers. If you have never attended a “drag Show” you have no idea what you’re missing. If you have attended one, then you owe it to yourself to visit Pilsen and enjoy a delicious meal, drink a great drink ( alcoholic or non) and watch the “Drag Me To Brunch” performance.  BRING LOTS OF SINGLES!

La Luna is located at 1726 South Racine ( corner of Racine and 18thStreets) in Pilsen. The phone number ( for reservations) is 312-248-8958

This is every-other Saturday so the next show is April 21st, followed by Cinco de Mayo.

LaLuna is closed on Sundays and Mondays.

OPEN: Tuesday-Thursday  4 p.m. – 11 p.m.

Friday                         4 p.m.- 12:00 a.m.

Saturday                   11 a.m.-midnight

For information, visit



La Luna was previously reviewed on this site- It is a wonderful dining experience.