March 4, 2025

“Cabaret Q ” a special Cabaret

[rating=4] During this period of Covid 19, we are experiencing a learning process when it comes to entertainment. The theaters are dark and cabarets and clubs are as well. We have been watching a lot of TV and movies on our large screens, but “live” entertainment is at a premium. I am quite thankful that the world of technology has opened up doors and new avenues allowing us to have some of the moments missed, but at home, on our smart TV or computers. Over the past few years Jane and I have attended a number of Cabaret evenings presented by 4 Chairs Theatre Company at Hey Nonny in Arlington Heights. This is an intimate space with a restaurant and cabaret under one roof. A great spot indeed, but as we know, “closed until further notice”. 4 Chairs Director Lauren Berman has many young talented students and in order to bring their talent to the public, opted to use the internet for a special concert “Cabaret Q” last night on U-Tube. I for one, watched every second of this showcase of 22 local talents.

The program was not only a showcase, but a fund raiser for an organization called “A Safe Place”, a not-for-profit that assists those in need of help due to domestic violence-– 847-249-4450 or 1-800-600- SAFE (7233). The attendance was decent and I am in hopes that you can still go back to UTUBE and watch ( and donate). During our current situation, the need is greater and this organization needs your help.

The evening was a delight. There were interviews offsetting the 22 vocal number, each song performed by a different singer. The music was “Broadway” type and many were songs from musicals that many are unfamiliar with such as “13 the Musical”, “Bubble Boy”, “First Date” and even “Parade”. Of course there were the ones more familiar such as “A Chorus Line” , “Wicked”  and the finale which included a great bit of camera work for “You Will Be Found” from “Dear Evan Hansen”.

If you have attended a 4 Chairs Cabaret, you may recognize some of the following names: Kaitlin Feely,  Anthony J. Depew, Emmie Ginsberg, Samhita Madduru and Aaron Kahn. These are just a few of the 22 talented performers assembled for this special event. I think you can catch on UTUBE, but will check it out. To keep up with Lauren and her company, visit