Piven Theatre Workshop is known for giving us thought provoking stories and their latest production, the Chicago premiere of Sarah...
Alan Bresloff
The long awaited National Tour of "Shrek the Musical" has hit Chicago and with an explosive production that will keep...
by Adam Shaw I just went to Marriott Theatre in Lincolnshire to see a new production of Pinocchio written by...
I have always felt that if one can get kids to the theater at a young age, they will learn...
Clockwise Theatre, located in the downtown Waukegan area is the latest theater to join the many local theaters in the...
Chicago Dramatists, that tiny little theater located where Chicago Avenue, meets Milwaukee Avenue,meets Ogden Avenue, is known for discovering some wonderful...
One of the reasons that the Latino Theatre Festival at The Goodman is unique is that they bring in productions...
Redemption! How does one redeem themselves for their past history? Can one be rehabilitated by serving time in a prison...
Summer fun at Navy Pier adds the excitement of family theater at Chicago Shakespeare Theater as the bring a new...
Eclipse Theatre Company, known for it's theme ,"one playwright, one season, one illuminating journey" is now presenting one ofthe most...