Highly Recommended Try to imagine being a Pre-teenage boy, who along with your brother is sent off to Grandma's house...
Alan Bresloff
Highly Recommended When one thinks of Chicago Shakespeare Theater on Navy Pier, one tends to think classical works ( unless...
Leave it to Timeline Theatre Company, a company that just keeps bringing us quality work, to bring "The Front Page",...
Poetry is different things to different people, mostly it is rhymed verse that speaks to love and romance as well...
A lovable chocolate-covered doughnut with sprinkles, a very happy doughnut ( a delightful interpretation by Brandon Paul Eells) is about...
recommended Second city's 99th main stage show is one that has something for everyone and has some hysterical moments.It is...
recommended (guest reviewer Edgar Vazquez)It would be a tragedy to miss this one! The "Passion of Antigona Perez" written by...
highly recommended While the world we live in has become much more tolerant in racial matters, we are still not near...
How can it feel to be fresh out of college and as your first professional "gig" to play "Elmo", that...
Tonight I re-visited the Broadway In Chicago Playhouse to not only see the production of "Working" , the musical version...