With all the "holiday shows" at this time of year, we often get "Christmased out" and yet for several years,...
Alan Bresloff
As the memories of "Turkey Day" pass, thoughts of the "holiday season" start to process in our heads- the holiday...
Recommended***Chicago has no "off-Broadway district", but we are home to many smaller "store-front theaters), where young companies, ensemble companies hone...
Many Chicago audiences are unfamiliar with Teatro Luna and their work. This ensemble is now performing their 8th original play...
You might want to mark your calendar for Saturday,December 10th as the day that you and your family can attend...
Highly Recommended***** Holidays are filled with traditions and one of Chicago's finest is the annual production of Dickens' "A Christmas...
Remy Bumppo Think Theatre, follows a theme each season, and in this their 15th season, they are exploring, The American...
A Christmas Carol is being presented by The Metropolis Theatre for the 10th year. This Holiday tradition features an all...
With the "Holiday Season" and the tradition that comes with it, one of my very favorite stories,"It's A Wonderful Life",...
Highly Recommended Harold Pinter and his writing is pure genius! The biggest problem with doing Pinter is that audiences have...