Highly Recommended ***** There are some musicals that are NOT classified as plays or musical comedies but in fact are...
Alan Bresloff
★★ The “Solo” series that is taking place right now at The Greenhouse Theater Center is one that is getting...
Highly Recommended ***** I am often asked why they don't create musicals like the good old days? The answer is...
Recommended *** One of my sisters (I have three) is fond of that old saying – friends may come and...
Somewhat Recommended ** Noel Coward was an English playwright, actor and composer known for his double-entendres and risqué...
Owning your own home is the "American Dream". Whether it be a mansion on the lake, a condo in a...
***** Highly Recommended The Chicago Dancing Festival, an entirely free celebration of dance, is one festival every dance aficionado ought...
As we prepared to make our move from Deerfield to Glenview, one of the things that we found out is...
Chicago favorite, Nick Sandys, stars as Prospero in a whimsical, family-friendly production of "The Tempest" at the Notre Dame Shakespeare...
The performers of Theater Zuidpool’s Macbeth are clearly talented. Powerful vocals, intriguing phrasing, solid musicianship. Yet, that talent was put...