Simultaneously raucous and tragic, “Roast” is “a painter’s palette of emotions.” Brought to the stage by The Comrades, the resident...
Alan Bresloff
Highly Recommended **** “They had a lot to live up to.” So said one of the women in the...
Highly Recommended ***** In 1982, Andrew Lloyd Weber brought a musical to Broadway that was a unique blend of his...
Renee Taylor is a funny lady! Do not let the title of her one-woman show , now on stage at...
Highly Recommended **** The baby boom generation started in 1946 to 1964, It started after WWII, when America was on...
Recommended *** Opening night of First Folio Theatre’s “Shakespeare-Under-the-Stars” production of “Henry V” appropriately coincided with the eve of...
Somewhat Recommended ** Tonight was a highly anticipated one for Ravinia and the sponsors of the Ravinia Women's Board as...
As a young man, when I watched the film depicting the life of Hans Christian Andersen, starring Danny Kaye, I...
Highly Recommended ***** Over the years, there have been many versions of "The Wizard of Oz" brought to the Chicago...
Driving down to the Cadillac Palace Theatre last night Jane said, why are we seeing "Les Miz" again? It has...