Our home now has the feel of being in a “special place”. Last week, we had the good fortune of being introduced to Joe Salerno. a graduate of Harrington College of Design who owns and operates accompany called Lifestyle Designs. We told him about our desire to make our third floor balcony in the burbs, feel as if we were almost on vacation. Joe is a unique person in hoe he approaches his landscaping business. As previously mentioned, we sent him pictures of the area that we had, then he called and spoke with us about exposure, colors, and of the greatest importance, windows from the condo that overlook the balcony.
At first, I was unsure of this question, but after hearing his statement, understood. If we are in the apartment most f the time, looking out onto the balcony, what will we see? Will it be pleasing for us ( and when it can be done, guests) to look out of the windows and see a wonderful picture of flowers and shrubs?
After discussing the positives and colors that Jane and I wanted, Joe set-up the “installation” for early today. Yes, on a Sunday morning, so I could talk about it on the show. He arrived at 8:45 a.m. and we brought all of the plants up to the apartment. I left him alone on the balcony and watched an “artists at work”. In less than an hour, Joe created a look that gave us the feeling we wanted from inside looking out and on the balcony, while sititng and enjoying earlu morning coffee or in the evening, a cocktail.
Being on the third floor we will not be seen by as many passers-by as we would on the ground floor, but people walking will see that our balcony is an oasis filled with greenery and flowers that will bloom quickly.
Joseph Salerno is in fact an artist. If you have struggled with ideas to make your lifestyle fit your needs, give him a call at 630-330-8172 or visit his website www.Lifestyledesignsbyjoesalerno.com
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