March 3, 2025

“The Prom” at Glenbrook High School

In 1960, I graced the stage at Glenbrook High School ( the one called North today) doing Applegate ( the Devil) in Damn Yankees”. At that time, there was no huge, high-tech theater, so the gym was where the play took place. Over the 60-plus years since they have built an amazing venue with the best tech I have seen in a high school, and due to this, they can do much more in the way of theater.

Last night, in this theater, I witnessed a strong production of  “The Prom” with a book ( and lyrics) by Chad Beguelin, music by Matthew Sklar and more book by Bob Martin. The musical is based on a concept by Jack Viertel ,that tells the story of a young girl who wants to bring another young girl as her date to the prom! Did I mention, in Indiana? Some actors who just opened and closed their new play, and have been painted as uncaring, decide to change the opinion of the world by going to Indiana and making this all happen for the high school student. Imagine, a play about a Lesbian going to a high school dance! Back in 1960 this never would have been brought up. This play tells a story that is happenings all over the world. Acceptance, breaking down barriers, breaking down prejudice, showing people that we are all who we are and that we should all allow the other to be that person that makes them.

This is a slick production directed bt Tim Broeker and choreographed by Kyle Aiden. The cast is “double -cast” ( different people do the roles on different nights). The young lady who played  Emma tonight was Noa Levin, and she is terrific in the role. I have watched this young lady grow over the years, with her voice getting richer and stronger. Her stage presence is amazing and her understanding of the character powerful ( I will go back Saturday night to watch Maya Spreckman and see her interpretation).

The other Wednesday/Friday performers were terrific as well. I loved  Colin Fox as Barry, Lidiia Okilko as Dee Dee Allen, Dylan Hartbarger as Alyssa, Trent Oliver as Conor Lynch and Izzi Malkin as Angie Dickinson. The ensemble is filled with amazing singers and dancers and I loved the use of the theater aisles, filled with teens, for two of the numbers ( “Tonight Belongs to You” and “It’s Time To Dance”). Well done!

There are a lot of dance numbers and I must say that the featured dancers did some Broadway type numbers. I am a bit prejudice as while I am a GB alumni, my granddaughter ( Sarah Shaw) is one of those dancers. The orchestra  conducted by Aaron Kaplan was about as huge as a musical can have. I believe 46 instruments made this score come alive. The costumes (Kathleen Mitchem and Titian Sherwin) are divine, the props (Maureen Temple) and the sound (Michael Patrick) were as close to what I see at professional theaters every night and Josh Footlick truly gave us vision with his superior lighting.

If you want to experience the excellence of our youth in theater, you can still catch this show over the week-end. Tonight at 7 p.m., Tomorrow at 7 p.m. and Saturday at 7 p.m.

Tickets are only $17 and plenty of free parking.

The school is located at 2300 Shermer Road. For tickets call 847-272-6400