Those of you who listen to my radio show on WCPT820 am radio on Sundays, were lucky to have met ( via telephone), Bonnie Dobkin. Bonnie , for the better part of her adult life, has been in educational
publishing, written some wonderful children’s books, raised a typical subrurban family and has participated in some musical comedies. In fact, many moons ago, in Buffalo Grove, I had the opportunity to play the role of The King to her Anna in “The King and I”. We had a great time working together. A few years later, Bonnie wrote and directed a comedy about Kellerman’s Resort ( think back to “Dirty Dancing”) where I played one of the Kellerman Brothers. A great deal of fun. She also penned “Mort and Mindy’s Wedding”. These were interactive productions that were as much fun for the players as the audience.
Bonnie always loved Erma Bombeck ( as did a great number of us) who was a humorist here in Chicago and was syndicated all over the USA, so as we were hit with the pandemic we now live in, Bonnie, found her new career. BLOGGING!
Her blog is named ” The Grass Is Always Grayer: Humor From The Far Side of Middle Age” and is filled with many stories and subjects that will bring a smile to your face, even if you are a younger adult. Let’s face it, we all will see that we know someone that behaves as she does and has the same situations. If not us, a friend or family member. Enjoy. https://thegrassisgrayer.blogspot.com
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