February 22, 2025

“The Devil Wears Prada” contest

Our friend, Paul Lisnek, does a “Podcast” covering the theater scene. This is in addition to being the political analyst on WGN-TV and writing several books.

When a pre-Broadway musical is tried out in Chicago, Paul is the man who covers it for his “Podcast”. Recently, with “The Devil Wears Prada” opening , Paul interviewed one of the stars, Beth Leavel, who plays Miranda.

When we saw the production, it was noted that Ms Leavel was of course carrying ( or do you call it wearing) a purse that was a Prada. The question-


was it The Real Thing?


One of the copies that one can find on the streets of New York?


A copy made specifically for the production?


To hear his interview and get the answer- visit  www.wgnradio.com/podcasts.

The Devil Wears Prada

Go to Paul Lisnek and play the interview. Once you find the answer, write it down and on the 21st at around 2:30 we will ask the question, call in at 773-763-9278 and you could win an autographed copy of:

Paul Lisnek’s  book “Assume Treason”. ( perfect time for reading this one).