On Sunday’s show ( WCPT820 a.m.) we interviewed Dr.Saloumeh Bozorzadeh and spoke about her program “Caring For Our Caregivers”. Dealing with the Covid experience has been life-changing for all of us, each in their own way, but imagine if you will, being front-line dealing with it every day and watching people and families being destroyed. Many find that dealing with it is far to much and that is why this program was created.
On Thursday, February 25th they will stream a special program, “Show The Love” www.caring4ourcaregivers.org. This is FREE and accessible on instagram@sufipsychology
Each session is 60 minutes. You can pick and choose, or watch it all.
8am PST/10am CST/11am EST Introductory Remarks
Description of the day & resources available
9am PST/11am CST/12pm EST Energizing Movement Meditation
Movazeneh®, a practice that will increase your energy & uplift your mood
10am PST/12pm CST/1pm EST Combating Burnout & Anxiety
Solution-focused tips to help you cope with the effects of burnout and anxiety
11am PST/1pm CST/2pm EST Nutrition
Tips on convenient, healthy meal choices when on the run, By Alexandra Catalano (@eatcute)
12pm PST/2pm CST/3pm EST Hope Meditation
A guided meditation to instil hope using the Tamarkoz® method
1pm PST/3pm CST/4pm EST Comedy Relief
A laughter break with comedians
2pm PST/4pm CST/5pm EST Gratitude Journaling
A practice shown to “rewire your brain” to feel more positive and grateful
3pm PST/5pm CST/6pm EST Guided Visualization
An uplifting Tamarkoz® visualization to let go of the day

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