Still Highly Recommended ***** I have been taking my kids and then grandkids to Santa’s Village in East Dundee for decades. As many of you know, this is the famed amusement park designed for the little ones that closed its doors several years ago, making many families feel they had been left in the summer-time lurch. BUT, as luck would have it, something changed and the petting zoo that was left behind, became an amusement park again, and since then, each year, they have added much to make it even a better experience than it was the year before.
Knowing this, we took our annual trek to East Dundee with two of our grandkids, Sarah , a 3rd grader and Rebecca, a first grader. Their older brother, Adam felt that he had outgrown this park now that he is in Junior High. He hasn’t seen the Cyclone yet, or he would quickly change his mind. They also have the X-treme Air bounce experience on premise. Although this one is not included with the one price admission tickets, it is indeed a blast. The girls loved this special event (they are there, next to the Wacky Work coaster on Thursdays, Fridays and of course, Saturday and Sunday).
The park is clean and bright with a staff of young employees who have one goal- to exceed the expectations of the families who visit Santa and his Azoosment Park (this is the correct name for the park as there is indeed a Zoo the park). Like all entertainment venues, the theme is one that never seemed to bother anyone. In fact, the logical explanation for most kids is that Santa and his elves work so hard during the Winter months, they need to have a fun place for the warmer weather. It has always worked for me!
There are rides galore, shows (magical and entertainment as well as some educational animal shows), dining spots (we opted for Jed’s Diner, over where the roller coasters are and enjoyed pizza and hot dogs/w fries there. Along the way, we did stop at the Subway where the girls got their favorite sandwiches, and there are plenty of shops, shows , activities (face painting is one that they MUST do) and of course, an opportunity to see Santa, or at least drop him a note. There are all types of animals to watch and learn about, but for my girls, it is the rides!
We did bumper cars ( I am not as young as I think I am), the Wacky Worm roller coaster, drove the cars and decided that when the girls are a half-inch taller, they will do The Cyclone. I said, Me too!
One of the best parts of going to East Dundee is that this is affordable entertainment for the family. $24.25 is the price covers all of the attractions except the X-Treme bouncing. You can also opt for the $39.95 “ultimate” experience which includes combo meal, one free game play (yes, they have a fun arcade where the girls won lots of cool prizes), a free feed cup in the barnyard, a seed stick in the aviary and a free “mining bag” in the mine area- all for one price.. Grandparents get in for $18.25 and can ride the rides (if they are up to it). Monday is discount day (excluding holidays).
The park has plenty of free parking and is a treat for families to visit every year. They also have season tickets where you can come as often as you want. The party offerings are many and varied for different types of memories. My twin granddaughters had their 7th birthday here for 24 girls and still recall everything about that special day (they are going to be 21 this summer).
Santa’s Village Azoosment Park is located at 601 Dundee Avenue (at Route 62) in East Dundee Illinois. Call 847-426-6751 or visit http://www,santasvillagedundee.comfor hours and specials. Take some time with your kids and go back in time. Start new memories and enjoy! Let me know how you enjoyed the Cyclone!!!!!
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