My generation remembers when “gas stations” were called “service stations” and besides pumping gas ( we did not do our own, back then), they did automobile service- tires, tune-ups, oil changes, brakes, winterizing and much more. These corner neighbors did not sell soda and candy and the items that one bought in the grocery stores, they did SERVICE. Over the years, they have disappeared. The stations have become more convenience stores where we could also get gas for the cars and possibly directions (there was a time we had no GPS, and had to ask for directions). I for one, miss having these mechanics around.
Well, guess what? The area residents near the intersection of Sanders/Saunders Road and Deerfield Road in Riverwoods, can count their blessings. The Mobil station on the corner did keep the two bay repair shop from the days of yore and have leased it to a young mechanic, who has opened up Ray’s Auto Service. Nothing fancy, for sure! No waiting room. No showroom floor! Just two bays where an excellent, knowledgeable mechanic can make your car run the way it is supposed to, but without the glitz and glamour, Ray can do this for a lesser fee than the majors and the dealerships. In today’s economy, with all the small businesses closing so the large ones can expand, this is a brilliant light at the end of the tunnel.
This shop is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Saturday from 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. and Ray is knowledgeable on both foreign and domestic vehicles.
Soon, there will be a local restaurant opening next door, so one can drop their car, go have a bite and then get back on the road. For those in the immediate area, Ray offers a “shuttle service” where he will pick up and deliver your car or find a way to make sure that your trip to his shop is as effortless and painless as the bill he will present when his work is done. I found his work very efficient and cost- effective as well. No surprises and he has access, thru the world of computers to all the information needed on any car on the road today (as well as those of yesterday). From an oil change to a tune-up, call Ray at 847-964-9853 or stop by at 2201 W. Deerfield Road.
He has a website- www.Raysautoserviceinc.com (soon, he will update and modernize it, but right now, the importance is the quality of his service and the fairness of his prices). Bringing my car in for repairs was like taking a wonderful trip down memory lane. I felt that I had a new friend in the area. One that cared about me and my vehicle. Just like the “good old days”. Welcome to The North Shore!
Mention Around the town, and Ray will give you $10 off any repair or oil change.
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