February 23, 2025

“Pain Pain, go Away! CBD will Rule the Day”

Will CBD help relieve the pain you have endured for years? Some say yes, others no, but I am here to tell you that while my actual pain did not go away, my hands felt better than ever before. Yes, by puttins the Amour CBD cream on Jane’s back, my hand ( that I used to do so) felt better than ever. Did her back improve? temporarily , yes. But when it came to long term…not so much!

We were sent four different products that are produced and sold thru an Oakbrook company, Amour CBD.

The products are as follows:

The pain relief odor free cream. The only FDA registered cream of its type.  As I said, there was a temporary lessening of Jane’s pain, but hours later, it did return. Our friend Al tried a tube and had a similar result.

The second item we tried was the Tincture Hemp Oil. I did this one every night and morning and did find my energy had increased ( as if I, of all people, needed an energy boost)

We just received the other two items that we will be doing starting this week-end 10mg Gummies and  25mg soft gels.

Stay tuned for what we find in trying these little edibles.

Again, the company is Amour CBD

they suggest you always consult with a licensed physician before embarking on any new wellness regimen and product usage.                                                      

Info- visit www.amourcbd.com


With 9/11 near, the AMOUR CBD family, in honor and memory of those lost is offering a 40% off all AmourCBD products

visit www.amourCBD.com and use code 91140 for your savings.

You can also use SUMMERSOVER for the same 40% off

Get your shipment and you can say, “pain pain, go away!”