February 23, 2025

Meet Meat- the old butcher shop!

Most of you know that for the last four or so years ( pandemic included) we have been getting our meat delivered. While it has been wonderful, there are times when I ,for one, prefer seeing exactly what it is I am getting, taking it right home and starting the prep for grilling that night. I recently had a premature 80th birthday celebration ( two months early) and one of my gifts was a gift card to a Buffalo Grove butcher shop, Dorflers Meats. I had driven past this shop many times, recalling the days that the store itself was our local Walgreens Agency ( Mark Drugs). Yes, before Walgreens had stores on almost every corner, they had agency shops owned by individuals who served as pharmacies for them.

I pulled into the lot and went inside where I was greeted by Stefan who worked with me in the selection of meats.

We purchased some prime skirt steaks, Steak burgers ( skirt steak meat), bacon/cheddar burgers and what I grilled first, Hanging tenderloin!

These were on wood skewers and were easy to grill. They came marinated and non-marinated, so I took the non as jane likes ot do this herself ( i guess some secret St. Louis recipe)

They were wonderful and this week, we will do more of the stuff from Dorflers- thank you Alan and Vickie for the great gift that I will enjoy several times over.


Dorflers is located at  1182 McHenry Road ( Route 83) in Buffalo Grove

phone number 847-459-3060

website www.dorflersmeats.com