March 3, 2025

“Living The American Dream”

How many of us can truly say that we are living not only The American Dream, but OUR American Dream? The other day, I sat down with Eric Nelson, who is in fact living the dream that began when he was a teen-ager. Eric knew that selling was something he was born to do. In fact, he was that “guy” who snuck in McDonalds and sold it to the other kids during lunch break in high school (in the cafeteria, no less).

While he loved the art of selling ( and,  it is an art), he also had a love of automobiles, and as it turns out, making money. His first real part-time job was working for a car dealer as a porter. Being around cars , he realized that this just might be his destiny. Eric began buying used cars and selling them to others. This is known as “flipping” (having the car for just enough time to do the paperwork and transfer the title). He made a profit, but the dealership where he worked did not admire his tenacity, and so he was terminated.

Eric knew that this was his chosen vocation and went to college at Northwood University, the only college that offers a degree in Automotive Marketing (he minored in accounting, remember, his second love was money).  The other students in his class , were for the most part, children of auto dealers (NEW) who were being trained to step into the dealership built by their parent(s). Not Eric!

Eric came back to Illinois and began doing his own “thing” (flipping cars) working out of a large warehouse in Des Plaines. In fact, to save money, which he could invest in more cars, he lived in the warehouse, with his cars.

Eric has always felt that by giving his customers “value” and service and finding cars that are better than the typical “auction” and “trade-ins”, he would not only keep his clients coming back, they would recommend his dealership to others. That has been the case which has allowed him to be in a mainstream “store” on Busse Road in Mount Prospect , for over 8 years, with a full service “back room” where he makes sure that Nelson Automotive vehicles are the best around and that his dealership exceeds the expectations of those who come there to get reliable transportation at a fair price.

People in the community call him a “different kind of dealer”. When we spoke about his past and his dealership, I could feel the sense of pride in what he has done for his family and his employees as well as those who “shop” at Nelson Automotive. They offer a solid selection of quality used vehicles (he refers to them as “pre-driven”) complete repair services, and they will assist in finding cars for their patrons and financing.

Looking for something specific? They will help you find it and will do whatever it takes to ensure your satisfaction. They are probably the most “available” used car dealer in the country. They are available 24/7 by phone and/or e-mail and will schedule appointments during off-hours to take the pressure off of the client.

At Nelson Automotive they do not play games. They do not try to upsell you extras or gimmicks that most  “used car” dealers do and there are no “turn-overs” (bringing in a “closer” to solidify the deal)- NO GAMES! You start with one person, and he/she will take you through the entire process-the way it should be. You can see the history of each car- they have nothing to hide and guess what? They will give you their cell numbers!

Eric is living his dream! His love for cars and making money have come together and he feels that anyone who has a dream can reach out as he did and grab for it!  Just remember, owning a business is also a great responsibility: to your family, your employees and of course, your customers. He has worked with his staff to understand the importance of building relationships with the customers and the other members of the “family”. Have a question? Eric can be reached at 1-847-HEY-CARS (847-439-2277)-online, visit