March 4, 2025

James Taylor at Ravinia

jamestaylorravinia RaviniaLogo[rating=4]It is hard to believe, but James Taylor has been pleasing audiences with his music since the 1960’s. In an era when musical acts come and go, it is a breath of fresh air to know that this amazing talent is still loved an dadored by the next generation as well as that of the 1960’s. recently, at Ravinia, our special place for music in Highland Park, Taylor and his band did two nights- both sold out in the Pavillion and on the lawn, thrilling those who made the special trip to relive memories or for some to find new ones.In fact, for this tour, Taylor has added two segments to his website– they are “life on te road” and “Meet the band”, where you can share the experiences they are having as they travel all over our country, bringing their magic.

Taylor an dhis band gave us some of his oldies ( still favorites) as well as a few new numbers.Back when he first arrived on the scene with songs such as “Something In The way She Moves”, the critics felt that he was far too sensitive a singer and would never last. If you recall, The Beatles jumped on this one. “Country Road” is another of his big hits. While his hair is gone and he has aged in appearance, James Taylor’s voice still has the sweetness of those days of yesteryear and the meaning still comes through just as it was meant to.jamestaylor2

The biggest problem with sitting on the grass for a concert is not the great sound system, but some of the audience members who do not pay attention to the ushers who carry signs asking them to be quiet so that the others around can hear what they came for. Often, those who attend on the lawn are just there to dine and drink with thier friends and family, which is wonderful, but it is important to be fair to those who also want to hear the performer. That is why many come early and do their socializing before the show, during intermission and after. Try to remember that as you order your tickets during this marvelous year at Ravinia.

To see what others shows will take place this summer at Ravinia, visit, then find out where you can dine as well. Many bring their own dinners , but all of the dining spots at Ravinia offer packages that you can take to your “lawn” position. Sitting in the Pavillion? Dine first and then move to the indoor seating. have a great time. Next up for us- Earth Wind and Fire- have a happy 4th of July!