March 28, 2025

Heading down the “home stretch” on my dental work

Here we are, my top dental work-perfect, and now, on to the bottom. Here the Doc is doing something special. The bottom will be permanent, but done in three sections. Today, now that all s cleaned up, we started the “Home Stretch”. The left 6 teeth will be done in two weeks. One bridge will take care of this section, covering the one actual tooth that can remain. The mold for this “bridge” was molded today and when I return in two weeks, they will be placed in this space permanently. At the same time, he will do a mold for the right 6 tooth bridge, again using the remaining actual two teeth to anchor along with the posts he has created. Two weeks later, I will return for these to be installed while he does the three front teeth ( I have to do the song a bit differently “all I want for summer is my 3 front teeth, my 3 front teeth” haha, hah!)

Doctor Mendez is a perfectionist and knows that it is not the speed in which the job gets done, but rather, the quality of the work that is done and the ease for the patient as well as the Dentist. Yes, we began this mission at the start of the year, and it will be 6 months before I am completely done, BUT ( and this is of great importance), I missed no work, and I have had no pain. The Doc has made sure of my comfort throughout the process and during this whole time period I have been able to eat everything I always ate, and more. I have yet to do corn on the cob, but as the season approaches, I know I will.

My smile is better than it has been since my teen years and will improve even more. I am looking forward to each of the upcoming visits as each one brings me closer to the completion of the mission that we set out to accomplish- cleaning up the garbage dental work that had been done over the years and giving me back my smile along with better oral hygiene. Isn’t that worth six months of one’s time?

Yes, there are ads on TV and in the newspapers , stating there are clinics that can do it all in one day. I find that hard to believe because there is no way they can make new teeth “while -u-wait”. Dealing with a dentist like Dr. Mendez, a local dentist with a gentle touch and a caring heart is the answer. He works on kids and adults and is probably just right for your family. While I have a few more steps to full completion, you should not wait. Call his office at 847-394-5750 and make an appointment to see him. Tell him that I sent you. The office is located on Rand Road- 809 West in Arlington Heights, just south of Barnaby’s Pizza ( one of my favorite spots for thin pizza).

Stay tuned for the picture that will show the completed job.

I am getting closer!

Today, I am one step away from completing the dental program that Dr. Mendez created for me. My bottom teeth, with the exception of the middle are IN as they will be for years to come. In two weeks, the new middle/bottom will be ready to “install” and that my friends will be that!

I am so happy with the work that has been done and the lack of paid during the entire process. It took a bit longer than most cases, BUT, one must remember, my case was truly bad! I now eat pretty much everything ( I still have corn-on-the-cob  to try , which could be this week-end), openly smile (much wider than ever before) and feel that I have become as young in looks as I am in spirit and everyone who knows me, knows that in spirit, I am just a “kid”!

Before June is over, I will put the pictures of my new smile on this site for all to share. Tell Doctor Mendez that you saw him from this story and allow him to take on the job that you thought could not be fixed. He is a true artist and will keep you ate ease during whatever procedure you might need. He is the FIXER and I adore him for what he has done for me.

Stay tuned for the “final episode”. His phone number is  847-394-5750 tell him Al sent you!