Highly Recommended **** Your children have heard about your adventures at one of the “escape rooms” that are popping up everywhere. They want a piece of the action. To be honest, they are probably better prepared for it that we are. In fact, today I was witness to a group of kids mostly under 10 years of age, who in one short hour managed to find the answers and find the keys that were needed to escape the new “Kid Escape Room” located in Northbrook Court. In reality, the actual game is thirty minutes, but the total time spent is one hour, from check-in to photo-op, This is a new venture located in the Noggin Builders headquarter in the shopping center.
It is a game for kids to complete a challenge in a safe environment within the designated time ( one hour). It is also a great opportunity for them to learn “teamwork” and how to think things out, alone and as a “team”. I took my granddaughter, Rebecca and three of her friends, so we were four 9 years olds. There were four other people in our group- two older kids and two younger kids. Having a mix of ages and sexes did not alter the working of the kids, yet the older kids tend to think they are smarter and often that is not the case. This was proven today.
Each group ( there were three of us) has to have one adult in the room to observe , and if needed, or should I say asked by the kids, we were allowed to offer some aid. I suggest that in most cases, just a clue was all we gave. The adults are allowed to walk about the room, but zero pictures can be taken and NO RECORDING! When the game is complete and the awards are given, there are plenty of photo ops for all concerned.
When the game begins, the scientists in the lab explain the situation that has brought us to this moment. Our situation was relative to the absent Professor Quarkenstein, who had discovered process and formula that would make him smaller. He is now away on an island somewhere and needs the other part of the paper where the formula was written to bring himself back to normal size. Problem is, he cannot remember where he placed it. It must be somewhere on the lab premises but in which of the locked containers?
Can our team of player find the answer within the hour time limit?
Creative problem solving ( without the use of an I-phone, or alexi or siri is what it is all about. These will be the keys to the future of these young minds, but at the present it is finding the keys that will open the secrets and find the missing papers that they must face. Can they do it? I will tell you that the girls and their new “partners” did find the answer, but with very few moments to spare. For my granddaughter, who dreams of making the final basket as the buzzer sounds, this was a very close second. They did it and earned the pin.Noggin Builders ( a great learning camp run by Amy Torf) has added the first of these escape rooms and I would think that others will follow. This one is located at the back of the “Northbrook Play”, a great little space for the youngsters to play with dad while mom tries on shoes. This is on the second level of the center between the movie theater and the glass elevator.
The escape room is open Saturdays from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. and Sundays from 11:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. The sign in is about 15 minutes before you enter the lab and begin your experience. The group size is 10 ( or it can work with 8), so if a birthday, that is the number of people who play and then the adults as needed. To reserve your place call 847-770-0540 or visit www.nogginbuilderskidescaperoom.com.. The cost is $16 per entrant .
I can tell you that the girls I brought had a great experience and one that they will remember for years to come. I think it gave them some special bonding as friends as well. The age span is 5-10 years old. The stories and rooms will change from time to time, so there can be new adventures for each and every participant.
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