March 3, 2025

“Christmas is over! Now , what to do with the unwanted gifts?”

Every Christmas, as we look at the gifts still sitting under the tree, we wonder “What were they thinking?” or “Why that?” or “What can I do with this stuff?”.

The answer, my friend is ” Re-Gifting”.

You can trade that unwanted item for a $15 ticket to “Late Night Catechism” during January at The Greenhouse Theater Center from January 6th thru January 28th.

Vicki Quade and Nuns4Fun Entertainment are once again giving you a chance to get rid of that unwanted gift, help the Nuns of The Little Sisters of The Poor ( who operate St. Mary’s Home at 2325 N. Lakewood in Chicago), who will make sure it finds a happy home.

Let’s look at some of the items you received: space alien socks? Diet book!  Cranberry scented candle? If you won’t use it or wear it- RE-GIFT IT!!!

Here is how it works:

For the entire month of January, bring in a holiday gift that someone was sure you wanted,

For more info or to purchase tickets visit or call 773-404-7336

USE CODE REGIFT for your $15 ticket and the Little Sisters of the Poor  say Thank YOU

The Greenhouse Theater Center is located at 2257 N. Lincoln Avenue

Schedule: Saturdays  5 p.m.

Sundays  2 p.m.