March 4, 2025

Bernadette Peters- “Valentine’s Day in Concert”

what a special night for this concert to take place- Valentine's day. A day associated with love, so be prepared for some marvelous love songs, in sme cases, as you have never heard them sung before. So, pick up your phone and call 847-263-6300 to purchase your tickets before they are sold out.

bernadettepetersWhen someone sees the name Bernadette Peters, they think “Broadway” ( some even think “Sondheim”, because this performer has been in so many of his hit shows). Talk about Broadway hits and of course, she has done television, movies and some great concerts. Now, in the beautiful Genesee Theatre, just a bit north of the North Shore and just south of Milwaukee, we are getting that rare opportunity, for some, that one chance in a million, to watch and listen to this amazing talent.

This is a one night only opportunity. But what a special night for this concert to take place- Valentine’s day. A day associated with love, so be prepared for some marvelous love songs, in some cases, as you have never heard them sung before. So, pick up your phone and call 847-263-6300 to purchase your tickets before they are sold out. The price range is from $52.50 and one of the nice features about being in Waukegan, is that there is far less traffic and you can have your car valet parked or go to the parking lot where for a nominal cost ( not like the downtown Chicago prices) you can park your car.bernadette peters

The “Historical”  Genesee Theatre is located  at 203 North Genesee Street, just south of Route 132, also knows an Grand Avenue ( exits are available on the Tollroad and Route 41 at Grand) and you just head East until you hit Genesee. Also, buy your gas in Lake County and save money as well.

To learn more about the area, dining partners etc., visit the Genesee website at

I look forward to seeing you at The Genesee and my romantic evening with my Jane, and of course  Bernadette.