October 28, 2024

“An Experience That Makes a Difference”

***** While this is not a “review”, it very well could be. It all started with a listener who heard us talk about a roofer. She hired that roofer, but then, later found out that while she had paid him to do a specific job, he did not do exactly what was asked for. She only found out when we had all that rain in August and as the water remained on her “flat” roof, it started to seep into the roof tiles and wood, getting into the ceiling and then the walls. A disaster to say the least!

Homeowners insurance is costly and to keep the cost down, our listener went with a high deductible, meaning her out of pocket costs would be more than she could afford, and as it turned out, had the roofer ( now out of business) did the job right, none of this might have happened. I felt bad as the original roofer had been mentioned back when we had a “handyman” sponsor. Not knowing what I could do to help, I told the story on-air and guess what?


I was contacted by several firms who were willing to come to her rescue! First USA Roofing of Chicago came out and redid the roof so that the section in question would no longer retain water. There is now a slanted area allowing clear drainage. USA Roofing can be contacted at usaroofing2@gmail.com. The owner’s name is Darrell.


The second contact was the paining contractor- Allegiant Painting L.L.C.. They came in and patched all the ceiling and walls that were ruined by the water seepage that came in during this period. They brought in a drywall expert to repair all the drywall imperfections, checked any cracks, sanded where needed and prepared for the painting. This job covered the halls, kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedroom ceilings and walls where needed. They were thorough, and even went back to do more when they saw the colors were not perfectly matched.




The home is now back to normal. In reality, better than normal thanks to these two outstanding business people who care about people. I went over to see the work that they did and it was superior. In fact, when we are ready to do some painting, I will definitely contact Justin and Taylor of Allegiant Painting at 224-241-9835. They do exterior and interior- and do it well!
