September 20, 2024

Happy Anniversary to Casati’s Modern Italian Restaurant

A few months ago we had the honor of dining at a Lincoln Park Restaurant that we found to be par excellence. The Name , Casati’s Modern Italian Restaurant in Lincoln Park. The review is up at RESTAURANTS , here on The experience was one that we cherish. They also have a young son who had never been to theater, so I invited him to join me ( with his parents of course) t experience the “Wizard of Oz” at Marriott Lincolnshire Theatre. He was in heaven. Surely the perfect play to get a child interested in theater.

Today, they celebrated four years of being open at 444 West Fullerton ( the corner of Clark and Fullerton) in Lincoln Park. While this is indeed a hustling and bustling  area , just minutes away from the DePaul University Campus, I would call it a “destination” dining spot. Once you have dined here, you will find yourself craving Casati’s on a sort of regular basis. What they did tonight was special. They had some special guests invited ( on a closed night) for some tasty food, special cocktails and two fashion shows, that were amazing.


Considering that right now we have the pre-Broadway production of “The Devil Wears Prada” on one of our Broadway In Chicago stages, how cool is it to have our own fashion show in the corner of Clark and Fullerton. The fashions were amazing! The models were beautiful! The clothing was varied and there were items for everyone.

Before we watched the first models walk the runway in the beautiful patio area of the restaurant, we were offered a sampling of the magnificent menu items that make up the menu at Casati’s. From cheeses to salads, to pasta and Pizza. And everything in between as well. The cocktails were special for the evening but for those less gutsy, the bar was open for everything. They also had some wine and beverage companies in the restaurant offering flavorful tastes of their wares.

At 7:10, we all went out on the patio to watch the fist of two fashion walks down the runway. Thanks to the weather people for offering us one of the best Monday nights we have had all Summer. Note: Just south of where we wera , the Broadway In Chicago Season Concert was going on at Pritzker Bandshell in Millennium Park. A great night for all. This is the first of the concerts missed by us but to be honest, for a glorious reason. Being with our new friends, the Casati’s and honoring their establishment that has made it through a pandemic, surviving and what one might call “thriving”.

We then went back into the restaurant for either more food or one of their scrumptious cupcakes, chocolate or vanilla,  CONGRATS to the Casati family.

Four years with many many more to come!


If you are looking for a place to host a special occasion in your life, this is the place! Call773-857-1237
