Somewhat Recommended ** From it’s very beginnings, back in 2010, I have found that Kokandy Productions has worked hard to make certain that what they bring to the Chicago audiences is unique and powerful theater. The Chicago premiere they are bringing to us at Theater Wit has solid talent and a premise that is very theatrical and desirable, but many may find it far to long at over 2 hours and 3o minutes and perhaps just a wee “too much”!. This is a musical based on “The Arcadia” by Sir Phillip Sidney, using the music of The Go-Go’s and with a new book written by Jeff Whitty ( who also conceived the concept) and then the entire story was adapted by James Magruder. Perhaps the line “too many cooks spoil the broth” comes into play here as perhaps they have taken it to a place that the original never dreamed of going.
“Head Over Heels” is a laugh-out-loud musical comedy, featuring the songs of The Go-Gos’ ( “We Got The Beat”, “Our Lips Are Sealed”, “Vacation”, Belind Carlisle’s “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” and “Mad About You” blending the songs into the story-telling as we have experienced with other shows ( “Mama Mia” is the best example) and is about a royal family that is told by an oracle that they must leave their country to save it from extinction. The play is about self-discovery and uses the theme of “Gender” in every possible way. How could a kindom lose its beat? Some of what we see is a bit over the top and a lot is stretched out making the story take far longer than needed. Some times it is better to “keep it simple stupid” and perhaps a shorter version would be more fun for everyone. I will admit that the cast was having the time of their lives. It showed ,in a powerful production, that far outweighed the material that they were presented.
The story has some very cute scenes, in particular , all of those in which Parker Guidry is onstage. Guidry’s Oracle/Pythio truly shows off their talents. Frankie Leo Bennett is a stitch as the King of Arcadia and the love scene in a cave with the Queen ( Liz Norton is dynamic in this role) that is part of a mistaken identity “bit” is precious and will having you laughing out loud.There are many stories about love in this long epic tale that includes boy loves girl, but is forbidden to do so, who then becomes a girl and joins the journey to “somewhere” and as a girl loves the same girl and ends up being sworded to death but arrives for the finale. A happy ending for everyone! If this sounds confusing, it should! It is!
“Head Over Heels” is a musical farce that is very camp for today’s younger audiences ( not too young) and the mixture of players and story lines is very “today”. Hats off to the high energy cast: Caityn Cerza ( daughter Philoclea), Jeremiah ( an adorable Musidorius, her boyfriend/girlfriend/boyfriend), Bridget Adams-King (older daughter Pamela who finds her true love has always been with her), Deanlis Resto ( as that love), Shane Roberie ( as her father and prime minister to the King), and an amazing ensemble composed of: Tiffany T. Taylor, Marco Tzunux, Roy Samra, Patrick O’Keefe, Kaimana Neil, Conner Giles, Britain Gebhardt, Emily Barnash and Caitlin Dobbins.
Directed by Derek Van Barham & Elizabeth Swanson on a set designed by Chris Roton, I found places where I lost where they were and due to the length of the play, that was probably the reason. The fight choreography by Kate Booth was clever and I think that the directors handled the actual choreography which became a bit repetitive. Uriel Gomez did the costumes which were for the most part okay, but not representing what I would call Grecian garb. The other tech aspects worked well, including sound (Michael J. Patrick) and lighting (G. “Max” Maxin IV), We had no problem hearing every spoken word as well as the music ( one of the highlights of the evening).
The band, led by Kyra Leigh, never overpowered the cast, which when doing rock music can be a painful experience and unlike “Hedwig and the Angry Inch” ( now on stage at Theo Ubique in Evanston) you will not need ear plugs for this one. This cast makes the music sound better than the “Go-Go’s”. While I am not sure you will travel your own road to self-discovery, I can tell you that you will have some laughs and will hear some terrific music. I only wish it were a tad shorter that the almost 2 and 1/2 hours.
By the way, the second act is far funnier than the first, so stick around for the whole play which will continue thru August 25th at Theater Wit located at 1229 West Belmont in Chicago’s Northside Theater District with performances as follows:
Fridays 8 p.m.
Saturdays 8 p.m.
Sundays 3 p.m.
NOTE: on Saturday 7/27 , 8/10 and 8 /24 there will also be a 3 p.m. performance
on Wednesday 7/31 , 8/14 and 8/21 a performance at 8 p.m.
Tickets are $40 Open Seating ( students/seniors $35) and are available at the box office, by calling 773-975-8150 or online at www.kokandyproductions.com
RUSH TICKETS are offered at TodayTix at $15 beginning at 9 am on the day of the performance wanted. Exclusively thru the TodayTix app.
To see what others are saying, visit www.theatreinchicago.com, go to Review Round-Up and click at “Head Over Heels”.
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